People Peeking in...


Friday, May 25, 2012

Summer Schedule day 5

Ah, brilliant yesterday.  There was the longest list of chores I could think of to do and Banker did them all, well except one but that's ok, he'll do the math test today. 

Banker cooked, cleaned, vacuumed.  He did laundry, 4 loads.  He moved furniture, swept and dusted.  He fed chickens, put food away and emptied the dishwasher...twice.  He did it with a smile, a good spirit and delightful mood.  He was wise.

I think I may take us to the movies today.  I feel housebound even though I'm not actually housebound.  I mean, we were out both Monday and Tuesday of this week yet by Thursday night I'm feeling housebound?  I think I need to balance out my mental health.  A day and a half at the house does not a hermit make!  Truly.

We have a big weekend ahead of us, invited to a square dance and a bbq cook off and Banker is going to a sleepover which will free husband and I up to spend quality time in our separate corners, quietly.  No offense, Banker but it'll be nice.  I thought about trying to convince the man to take me out on a date or to spend time out together.  He would prefer to sit on the back porch, smoking and playing on his iPad I'm sure.

LOOK at how beautiful they are...and how big!
The Girls are getting giant.  They are 8 weeks old and as personable as they are beautiful.  We didn't have them out to play yesterday but I am planning on quality chicken watching time today. 

I started a thread on my Facebook page about talking about myself in the third person.  For some reason it completely cracks me up.  I think I'll do it when we go out today.  "Tracy thanks you" to the ticket guy perhaps?  HAHAHA  

We played all morning, we dashed out to see Men in Black 3, we wandered Walmart and stopped for a pizza.  We laughed, the Banker was a normal, fun, kid.  No angst, no eye rolling, no drama, no nothing, just a great day. 

He is sweeping, dealing with the dishwasher, while he humms, and is about to transfer his fish, Cornelius, into a bigger, better aquarium he bought with his own debit card.  He's in a delightful mood and look, no screens hasn't done a damned thing to him...except give me a happy kid.  Hmmm

/Tracy  (who thanks you for reading...)

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