People Peeking in...


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Summer Schedule day 2

Quickie check in; 

It's been a fun, albeit busy, day.  Errands today, running here, there and everywhere around town. 

Did check in with a home school friend and had a lovely long chat about grade 8, planning, scheduling and summer schedules.  

Took Banker to the bank to open his first account.  He has a savings, a chequing account and a Visa debit card.  He has the power!  He has arrived!  I told him we can now transfer an allowance, electronically.  Because he's a minor, I am also on the account...which is polite speak for I can also remove funds from his account directly.  So much for his power! :)

Tomorrow is school day for him, we'll see how successful the first academics of the summer schedule are.  I have reasonable faith. 


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