People Peeking in...


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Summer Schedule day 4

Ahh, the quiet of a husband who left on time (well, 9 which is about 2 hours after my time) and a child still sleeping.  Dogs who are wandering and sniffing and chickens who are peacefully scratching.  I like these few moments I try to steal away. 

I'm looking online to order a seed thing (from gardens alive!) that MsZan's husband, has been touting on Facebook.  I like the idea of being able to grab my own sprouts, I really like them and never buy them.  Apparently $25 will hook me up and I am almost sure I will get $25 worth of joy out of it.

I plan on a quiet day for Banker and I.  Husband is out tonight, on his weekly man-date.  I SERIOUSLY  need to book my own weekly, till the wee hours, girl-date because husband thinking he needs to get out more than me who spends 24/7 here with someone 13, well, really, get a grip dude.  Anyway, husband on a man-date night means the Banker and I play without watching a clock.  We tend to eat early, eat something fantastic that just he and I like and climb into bed to watch a movie and fall asleep.  Sounds dull, I'm sure, but we love it and look forward to it.  It's school-free time, mom/son night and that's why I paid my dollar...for times like these.

I say, 'times like these' but we have to get there first.  Remember the Banker is screen free today, totally.  I see a lot of eye rolling, sighing and periodic moaning in my day.  I think that since I'm prepared for it, I'll cope better (hahahahaha  no).  He has to do his math test from yesterday, do 10 or so grammar sheets, IN ORDER, and get back into that book.  He says he hates the book, yes, it's STILL 20,000 Leagues, but when he's reading it he runs to me with interesting tidbits and tells me how great it is.  I think he hates the idea of it but when he's inside it, he's happy.  I vow, here, not to cook and eat him when I tell him to go read and he announces back to me, "but mom, it has a screen!".  He's pulled that before when he's been screen banned, really, how do any 13 year olds become 14 year olds?  But today, there'll be no selling to gypsies today for such commentary, nope, it's mother/son night and I'm not going to let said son wreck the day so as to impede the joy I get from mother/son night.  

I'm going to make more cookies, I'm trying to perfect a recipe I made up.  I'm going to make an apple cobbler, because I can.  I will play with chickens, pat dogs and I might paint my toenails bright red.  I am going to sew a mug-rug or two and I am going to play online.  That's the full extend of my involvement in the human race today.  The banker will be working and moaning. 

Ahhh, summertime.


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