People Peeking in...


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day Eighty Five

It's the last day The Banker will be 12 years old.  I feel the teenage surge.

We have an easy day planned, he's going to review one math chapter, take 2 chapter tests and we are going to find things to look at under his uber cool massively amazing microscope.  He loves the thing.  We bought slides and eye droppers yesterday so our days of looking at things between stretched saran wrap are gone.  Don't even say anything :)  You make do!  The yeast from the bread looked amazing under the saran, it was a living, moving thing, very very very cool.

In spite of failing miserably this week, in school as a home institution not as in school the grades, Banker did look up and make a list of what he thought would be the coolest things to look at under the microscope today so that's our plan.

We are running some errands when we are done and then he's done school for the week, we're playing, plus tomorrow is his birthday and no one should have to do school on his birthday.  I think I'm going to wait to give him the gift from his dad and I until husband comes back from out of town, he flies in late tomorrow night so maybe Friday morning... we'll see.  I want us both to be here.

Anyway, after our errands today we are meeting FriendC and her brood for dinner.  A Mexican restaurant I've not been to and have wanted to try, Guadalajara, I've heard rumors it's yummy.  I'm always excited for yummy.  Any time spent with friends makes the food better, I think.

Ms. Zan told me I'm fretting about school because I have an audience and she's right.  I should have just let him blow the week but I'm genetically incapable of blowing half way through so we're just sticking to the schedule.  I think mum will enjoy some of the microscope research today and Banker will enjoy finding things so it'll be a win win academically.

Chicken, a bird in my hand?
The girls (chickens) are 5 weeks today and are massive and I think they actually know who I am.  Is that weird?  Can chickens identify people? I will say, they rush toward me more than the others and even though it sounds a little nuts I think they look for me, from the gazebo.  If I said I think they called me we'll all know I'm quite mad but really, I think they love me...needless, I just love these silly birds.  Banker loves them too but hasn't had loads of chicken time this week, we'll need to rectify that today I think.

Chicken bums in a row!
I'm off to enjoy a quiet coffee...and i think I hear the girls calling me.


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