People Peeking in...


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day Sixty Three

Ah, this is a nice quiet week.  I like it.  We have huge field trips next week plus a number of other activities and then my mother comes for a 2 week visit to celebrate Banker turning 13 that I'm really thinking this is going to be the last full week of work for a bit.  The nice thing is we can do this, I just don't want us to get too far off track.  oh wait, it's OUR track, so we're just fine! 

I had a long conversion on Sunday with a former 7/8 grade science teacher who now writes science curriculums (bonus!) and she had a long talk with Banker and I about working with us on some project based science work next year.  OH can I hear a hallelujah?  YAY!  I JUMPED at the opportunity and Banker was delighted too, we are going to meet up with her in the not too distant future to get more details.  YAY!!  Science is the only subject I am concerned about next year so this was indeed a blessing. Did I say YAY?

English yesterday and math today.  We are going to try for 2 chapters in the pre-algebra math u see program and see how it goes. He did 3 in one week and the one chapter last week took him longer than usual so we'll go for two and be happy with one.  I have a review built into the schedule for Thursday so if he can't finish the chapters he can in 2 days I'm sure then he can test Thursday or Friday.  I like like like this new one subject line/day thing.  I like our 4 day futz-able schedule.  I like how we work.  I am so much happier in my skin about his life and future.

The only thing anyone talks about tho, is the girls.  The girls were very happy to see me this morning.  Peeping and jumping into my hand.  I quite like them :) 

The chicks are so much larger each day, it's quite remarkable.  We are having discussions about the coop for them.  I hope hope hope that husband lets Banker help.  The whole chicken thing was his idea and I hope his father doesn't exclude him from the plans and building.  This is such a great learning experience and could be great bonding and I just hope hope hope it is  joint project.  If Banker is left out or chastised constantly, it'll do damage.  He's really excited to be involved.  I'm not going to fret just yet.  



I want to do this right, and easy.  I feel sick when the plans become so elaborate and involved and we can't use nails, oh no, we need special extra long, extra thick, extra extra screws and we can't use a dowel or board for them to roost, no, we'll have to buy imported lumber, treated for birds with the hairs of virgins, no really, it's never simple and straight forward.  Geez, this is supposed to be fun! easy! recycled! where'd the thread of this get lost?Can't this be simple?  I hope we use recycled materials, maybe use the building we already have out back, make it by hand with wood we have here, paint it fun colors.  I want us to do it together, nail some stuff together, surround it with wire and they'll be fine.  I am so very worried it's going to be over thought, over worked and over stressed about that which should be an easy, fun, family project.  We don't need Fort Knox out there and I worry that's what we'll end up with.  Just a little house, we have fence wood, we have a garage full of wood, that'll work FINE, for the girls to lay eggs and be safe at night, that's all we need, that's all we want.  Now there's plans for pvc piping to go through so they don't chew rope and for perches? c'mon, let them chew some rope? they're chickens... they'll slip off pvc, gee, a little piece of wood is all they need to perch for the night :(.  I have cool, multi colored drawers I said might be great for nesting...  it was poo'd and there was a sighing, stomping episode.  I am so sad this can't be a fun  family eco friendly recycling project.  

I actually prayed about it working out sweet and simple.  How sad.

School went well yesterday, Banker worked hard then FriendA came over to play with her chicken (one is hers in exchange for chicken sitting services down the road).   School went well today so far, math day moves him into the studio for privacy and he's less distracted.  He secretly wants to move his laptop and system into the studio full time so he can have his own room, nice, um, no.  I do, however let him have it one day a week ;) 

I'm trying to quietly think about organizing my guestroom and game room for my mother's arrival in a couple of weeks, stress free tho because I refuse to let it stress me out.  I am looking forward to her visit and the Banker is very excited she's coming, all in all it's not a bad time.  

Well, except for the coop.   


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