People Peeking in...


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day Seventy Eight

My mom is in town. 

This is one of the extreme bonuses of this home school experience. My mother flew in from Canada last night.  We didn't have to worry about the time, the homework or schedules.  We didn't have to get up at the crack of dawn, make lunches, drive to school.  We didn't have to plan our day around the school board, look at a clock or think about a schedule 


The Banker did his social studies day, albeit a lighter load than usual but he still did some work.  He read for a while then we got to hang out with my mom. We hit the local store, he sat at the bar while she and I cooked.  It was memories happening.  It was family.  It made me very very happy. 

The girls are getting crazy big, they spend every day out in the Gazebo and back into the garage at night.  I think they are getting a little big for their brooding box.  Husband says he'll finish the coop on the weekend and we can do the girls first overnight, safely outside, at the end of next week.  Weather permitting of course.  They are kind of scaredy cats and do run into their crate when the wind blows.  I love them. 

It's Ladies Who Lunch day tomorrow.  Friends are coming from far and wide to visit, cocktail, visit, eat a little, play a little and I am so very excited about it.  I made copious amounts of bread and rolls and then roasted off two enormous Peameal  roasts.  Sandwiches for all tomorrow, mountains and mountains of them.  The wine will flow.  The weather is supposed to be fantastic.  No sit down this time around for the Ladies, it's wander and visit cocktail lunch day.  I think the head count is 10 women and 10 children, all fun, all chaos.  Fun.  Life.  Joy.  Laughter.  I cannot wait.

FriendC and Ms. Zan will both be here.  Ms. Zan doesn't make it out here too often but the trips are highly and excitedly anticipated.   Banker's 13th birthday is next week,  they have a gift for him.  He's going to explode.  I'm so excited for him.  I'm excited for us, to have such wonderful people in our lives for so many many years.  These women have known him since he was 9 months old.  I will never worry for his safety or care because he has these people to turn to should he ever need.  The family we were lucky enough to pick.

The Banker does have to do a little school in the morning but I already told him he can blow off most of the day to help organize for friends and family and then entertain children.  

This is the stuff of memories, this is the stuff of life and this is the reason I do this.  The quality of Banker's life has been so enhanced by that which we have altered.  I owe a deep debt to my friends who have been shining examples to me, over the years, of what a successful home school experience can, and should, be. 

Oh and we hardly feel broken at all.  


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