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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day Forty Nine

WOW, what a success! 

Day one of one subject day was brilliant.  Banker didn't watch the clock, he didn't try to hurry through ANYthing and spent the last part of his school day laid out on the hammock in the backyard, Nook in hand, reading Lord of The Flies for English Literature.  This is not a kid watching the clock to see when his 45 minutes is up to move onto the next subject. He set up with the dogs, the gentle breeze although the hammock is directly under a ceiling fan out there.  We bought the hammock for husband last year but he doesn't use it because he said he can't see his iPad at the right angle.  Luckily, kiddo is the perfect fit, perfect size and perfect angle.

I'm brilliant!  *at stealing ideas from everyone I know and making them fit in my personal little universe then taking complete and total credit.

He took a couple of breaks, took Walter for a nice walk and didn't meet any crazy people (yay) and has been generally happy with this new schedule, he's mentioned it a few times that this is how he thought home school would be. *YAY*

He did way more work, more chapters, and more levels than I'd asked for on his schedule. He really seemed to enjoy staying in one stream.  DELIGHT for day one success.  He lept about and told me how much he "just loves loves" the one subject stream a day.

Today is math day, we'll see how much he loves all math, all the time.

I discovered a joy of my current position as grand poobah of Casa W Private School.  I ripped up all of the paperwork, test score and work from Bankers last chapter of pre-algebra.  We had a long discussion and I said I thought he'd rushed it because he "knew this stuff" and didn't take the time to actually read the questions, the instructions or determine what it was he should have written on the page.  He agreed wholeheartedly with my assumption.  So, instead of having it linger in some 'permanent' record somewhere, we merely back up, restart our engines and do it again.  Delightful!  He is happy, I am happy, no international rules of academia are shredded and no grade cops are coming to get us.  ALL good.

The Banker and I made some plans for container gardens in the back, herbs and small veggies.  There is a narrow garden against a fence with a fence and a huge gate that husband dug, built, filled and loaded with pipes to water and plants he wanted.  I guess it's his garden.  I don't like the industrial pvc auto look of it all, pipes sticking up through gardens and lawns.  I like to tend to, water and weed little gardens so Banker and I will do some containers on the other side of the porch and hand water, well, if I can figure out how to access the hoses, there's 9 attached right now going all over to buried, mud covered pvc pipes all over the yard, and the water is pouring out of the spigot making a mud slime pit across the porch. If I can't, I have a very simple plan B, the one I used last year, I just fill my can inside the house ;)

Here's to another successful day of it.

Another bonus is that once he is organized, I'm going to pop to the (very empty at 9:30am) grocery store to get the last things I need for my Ladies Who Lunch with Cocktails, lunch I'm having here on Thursday.  I am going to make all the bread today, then I just need to make sandwich fillings, egg, salmon, chicken, beef and cheese/tomato but I'm also making gazpacho and need some fresh veg, oh and the cream for the pavlova ;)

You'll notice, nobody here is broken today.


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