People Peeking in...


Monday, February 27, 2012

Day Twenty

Day "5" of week 3, we're calling it Field trip day.  

Today we go to Fredericksburg, TX.  *yay*  Sure there's loads of historic things to do, see and visit there.  It's a very interesting town.  Unfortunately we also have dear dear friends there who also home school.  My friend, MsZ (as Banker has called her since he was too little to pronounce her name) is a home school whiz and, frankly, not only an inspiration but sort of a hero too.  There's 4 (of my favorite kids) in that household so any whining I may do about my adventure with a student population of one will be mocked and dismissed, in the nicest possible fashion of course.  Joking aside, she will be able to give me valuable wisdom but I do have different challenges having just one child here.  There's no diversion, for he or I.  There's no one to bounce ideas off, have conversations with.  It's part of the reason I did the schedule as I did, 4 academic and 1 road trip/outside day.  

Banker and I loaded up the laptops, iPad, tablets, phones and even the NetBook to haul down to see what information we can glean from MsZ's arsenal.  I'm also loaded up with food and dough to make bread to ensure we aren't kicked before our time.  I intend on taking notes!

We are taking all the hardware so we can share our little tidbits of information and show them the sites we've paid for so she can see if there's anything there for them to use.  I also started a Facebook list (Hippie Homeschoolers) for the few of us locally that I call friends to share information and sites in a far less daunting manner than those seriously overloading (but fabulous!) list serves and yahoo groups.   I still get lost and overwhelmed going through them so my little Facebook group is helping disseminate and organize them slightly until I can wrap my head around the big kid sites.  I'm sure my little group will grow as we meet other home school people but for the moment it's a group of 6 of us so it's easy to keep up. 

Bankers best friend is child 1 down there so there's also going to be some serious mental health time for him.  I'm looking forward to some information, knowledge, giggling and wine consumption, not necessarily in that order. 

School aside, I have bread dough to make.


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