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Monday, February 20, 2012

Day Thirteen

It's Monday, it's a public school holiday but we are working today. 

Since the public school kids are free, Banker wants to play online with them and I pointed out he'd finish school before most of them were out of bed.  I am also having some of my girlfriends over for lunch on Thursday, so we may have to blow off that day or at least part of it.  I told him we're not far enough in to start futzing with more than one free day in a week.  He got my point so he's working and I'm working on schedules for the next few weeks. 

This is what his Day 1 and his Day 2 looks like.  A lot of it is still a bit of review to be sure there's no holes in the knowledge.  He had me take specifics out of his online classes, except for the T4L which I bought and he's simply working through, I think I will be able to remove specifics there too, just have him do a certain number:  


UNIT Study with me (Rocket Science this week)
Khan Academy; Cosmology and Astronomy (next 2)

MATH (T4L & Khan)
T4L; chapter 9; Attributes, Volume, Surface Area
MasterMath, Quarter 3
Khan; review of any of the above

At least 5 lessons inside Module

1 chapter, complete

1.5-2 chapters

Chapter 1-2; Our Island, Earth

DAY 2 
SOCIAL STUDIES (T4L & Khan Civics)
T4L; Chapter 11.  Reforming American Society (plus worksheets)

T4L;  Chapter 1.  Homophones, Idioms, Latin and Greek Roots

LATIN (online and book)
Next video lesson OR more
UNIT study with me
Measurement; Two Dimensional Figures
Chapters 9-5 – 9-8
Work, Energy, and Power
Circular Motion and Satellite Motion
*follow up on Khan physics

I think it looks good.  He does two of each day a week.  There is a day built into the schedule to go on field trips, do catch up work, home work, projects or whatever he needs. 

He is now responsible to note how many lessons he does in each so that I can check the appropriate volume, although he'd never do LESS that I'd expect.  I can also prepare reviews (tests) for him and be sure I include the correct information. 

I did go and wake him up at 9.  We had discussed it over the weekend.  I was of the opinion 10:11 is just too late in the day to start.  I thought 9 was a completely reasonable time to wake him up, assuming we didn't have something going on very late the night before. 

Speaking of that, the 3 of us hopped in the car and went out for ice cream at 7 last night.  Now, that's not late at all but we've never done it on a school night because we had to be up at 5 and there was never laying around time on Sunday nights, we were all on edge mentally preparing for the next day.  Seven on a Sunday night was getting ready for showers, me rushing around making sure all his laundry was done.  I much prefer, "let's go for ice cream" time.

Oh I'm a total softie, his friends are on Skype, I just told him he can play AND work today so long as school gets done in between, we'll see how this goes.  

I have work to do, school prep and in the studio, I saw a pillow in a very high end store and I want to recreate it for pennies. I'll post any successes on my LOOPERS! blog

I like this and I feel good.

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