People Peeking in...


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Summer Schedule weekend 2

Wow, what  week.  No school happened at all, not even  a read.  ooops.  I don't know if I can really complain considering I am our leader and we were too busy to work with all the playing going on.

This weekend hasn't had the hellish start most have, it gives me hope for the next two days.

I got up ridiculously early and went outside to watch the Girls.  They are enormous and happy happy happy in their new run.  They hop to get fresh leaves which cracks me up, I post them on YouTube:

In other news;

I think I'm going to get us a manual treadmill.  We have an elliptical which I can't use because it hurts my knees and hips to the point I have to lay on the floor afterwards.  Sort of defeats the endorphin high I'm looking for after a workout. I don't want to sink money into a big treadmill in case we don't use it.

I think both the Banker and I would benefit from a daily walk, it's starting to get too hot here in Austin for me to do it outside.  I think he needs the exercise too.  He is getting the 13yr old boy pudge and he's upset by it.  He doesn't eat candy or sweets or junk at all so it's all hormonal, he'll suddenly grow into his weight but in the mean time we don't need any bad body image moments for him.  I think it's worth the $129, I can always run it back if it doesn't get used in the 30 days we have to try it.

We have plans both today and tomorrow for functions.  We have husband's boss's son's graduation celebration to attend this afternoon.  I shouldn't be disappointed it won't be a "bring a bottle of wine" affair.  I'm sure we will enjoy over sweetened tea and hundreds of people we don't know.  I'll smile and nod and be my most delightful self.  Banker doesn't want to go but I think one boy he knows will be there so that'll help. I don't anticipate a very late evening.

I have a girl party to go to tomorrow, well I did up until 20 minutes ago when I saw it was cancelled.  Unfortunately I'd arranged to take Banker across town (on my way to said girl party) for a sleepover so I'll still haul him over there even though there's no cocktailling at the other end.  Actually, why do I need to wait for someone ELSE to arrange a cocktail moment.  I think I'll get on the phone and find myself a date for after boy dropoff.  Maybe a run to a store and buy myself something pretty.  I'm sick of living in oversized free tshirts, I look like a slob and feel like one too.  I don't need fancy but hell, I need something else.

Husband is in a reasonable humor, we're treading lightly but so far, so good.  Banker is killing things online and I've been in chicken mode since 7am.  I just put them back into the coop to come update my blogs and ponder the lack of any academics this week.  Oh well, we'll work next week.

Wish me weekend luck, I'm trying to have a good one for a change.


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